The beloved film, The Polar Express, adapted from the classic story by Chris Van, turns 20 this year!
This enchanting tale captures the adventures of a young boy who embarks on an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, becoming a holiday...
January Film Club - Ocean's Eleven
This month's Film Club is showcasing a stylish classic. We are celebrating Ocean's Eleven, a heist sensation. Are you ready to revisit this clever scheme? Test your knowledge with our quiz and see how well you...
Ah, the '80s, the decade that gave us big hair and makeup, iconic characters and gritty performances, with doses of outrageous comedy and futuristic fantasy thrown in for good measure.
Smart scriptwriting, pivotal plots and complex characters are often the ingredients to a great drama. It's the genre gift that keeps on giving, so which will you choose to watch first?
Melissa McCarthy is the queen of comedy, but she's got a serious side too. Fresh from her second Oscar nomination, she'll next be seen in The Kitchen, a gritty, female-mob drama. Discover more of her starring roles below...
Whether it’s a timeless classic you’re watching on repeat or a new favourite you’re experiencing for the first time, films can bring the family together for quality time everyone will enjoy.
Filmmaker Christopher Nolan is one of the most prolific directors of his generation, taking us to new heights through awesome storytelling and epic visuals. His films can be enjoyed time and time again, so which one is your favourite?
Funny or serious, happy or sad... Some of the greatest stories throughout time have been about love and over the decades some films have stood the test of time to enjoy again and again.
For over 50 years, the legendary Clint Eastwood and Warner Bros. have forged a lasting partnership, helping the filmmaker craft critically acclaimed untold stories. Clint Eastwood's films have earned coveted awards, rightfully earning their place in...
“If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.” – Stanley Kubrick. Discover a range of ground-breaking films from one of the greatest filmakers of all time.