The Regime
The darkly comedic six-episode series tells the story of life within the walls of a modern authoritarian regime as it begins to unravel. After not leaving the palace for quite some time, Chancellor Elena Vernham (Kate Winslet) has grown increasingly paranoid and unstable when she turns to a volatile soldier, Herbert Zubak (Matthias Schoenaerts), as an unlikely confidant. As Zubak's influence over the chancellor continues to grow, Elena's attempts to expand her power eventually result in both the palace and the country fracturing around her.
Kate Winslet - Elena Vernham
Matthias Schoenaerts - Herbert Zubak
Andrea Riseborough - Agnes
Danny Webb - Laskin
Henry Goodman - Alexander Singer
David Bamber - Schiff
Martha Plimpton - Senator Judith
Stanley Townsend - Emil Bartos
Rory Keenan - Peter
Jessica Frances Dukes - Deborah Dukes
Hugh Grant - Edward Keplinger
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Kate Winslet - Elena Vernham
Matthias Schoenaerts - Herbert Zubak
Andrea Riseborough - Agnes
Danny Webb - Laskin
Henry Goodman - Alexander Singer
David Bamber - Schiff
Martha Plimpton - Senator Judith
Stanley Townsend - Emil Bartos
Rory Keenan - Peter
Jessica Frances Dukes - Deborah Dukes
Hugh Grant - Edward Keplinger
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Genre: ComedyDrama