Pretty Little Liars: Summer School
This haunting slasher series set in the Pretty Little Liars universe follows a group of spirited teens as they are stalked by villains with ties to their town’s long held secrets. Brought together by a series of ominous messages, Imogen, Tabby, Noa, Faran, and Mouse must unravel various mysteries if they hope to make it out of high school alive. But as eerie forces conspire against them, the PLLs become caught in a web of lies, deceit, and terror that will test the bonds of their friendship.
Bailee Madison - Imogen Adams
Chandler Kinney - Tabby Hawthorne
Malia Pyles - Minnie 'Mouse' Homrada
Zaria - Faran Bryant
Maia Reficco - Noa Olivar
Mallory Bechtel - Karen/Kelly Beasley
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
Lindsay Calhoon Bring
Leslie Morgenstein
Gina Girolamo
I. Marlene King
Michael Grassi
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Bailee Madison - Imogen Adams
Chandler Kinney - Tabby Hawthorne
Malia Pyles - Minnie 'Mouse' Homrada
Zaria - Faran Bryant
Maia Reficco - Noa Olivar
Mallory Bechtel - Karen/Kelly Beasley
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
Lindsay Calhoon Bring
Leslie Morgenstein
Gina Girolamo
I. Marlene King
Michael Grassi
Make sure you’re signed up to our newsletter to be the first to hear about special events, exclusive competitions and the latest entertainment news! Become an INSIDER
Genre: Drama