What if Superman never existed? Set two generations before the destruction of Superman's home planet, KRYPTON follows Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe – The Halcyon), the legendary Man of Steel's grandfather, who is faced with a life and death conflict – save his home planet or let it be destroyed in order to restore the fate of his future grandson. With Krypton's leadership in disarray and the House of El ostracized, Seg must balance the quest to redeem his family's honor and protect the ones he loves while being challenged by familiar DC characters Brainiac (Blake Ritson – Da Vinci's Demons) and Earthly time-traveler Adam Strange (Shaun Sipos – The Vampire Diaries).
Season 1
Krypton reveals a chapter of the DC Universe that's rarely told - years before the Superman legend we know. This one-hour drama follows the Man of Steel's grandfather as he brings hope and equality to Krypton, turning a planet in disarray into one worthy of giving birth to the greatest Super Hero ever known.
Season 2
What if Superman never existed? Set two generations before the destruction of Superman's home planet, KRYPTON follows Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe), the legendary Man of Steel's grandfather, as a young man who fights to save his home planet from destruction.