
The HBO drama series Industry follows an ambitious group of recent college graduates vying to secure their futures at one of London's leading international banks. From first-time creators Mickey Down and Konrad Kay, the exhilarating eight-episode series dives into the cutthroat world of "high finance" as seen through the eyes of Harper Stern (Myha'la Herrold), a talented outsider from upstate New York fighting to prove her worth. As Harper and fellow grads Yasmin (Marisa Abela), Robert (Harry Lawtey), Gus (David Jonsson), and Hari (Nabhaan Rizwan) do whatever it takes to get ahead, a toxic company culture quickly reveals itself, leaving the newcomers to decide whether life is about more than the bottom line. Fueled by ambition, romance, and drugs, Industry follows these five impressionable young minds as they forge their identities within the pressure cooker environment and sensory blitz of Pierpoint & Co's trading floor, where meritocracy is promised but hierarchy is reality.

Maria Abela - Yasmin Kara-Hanani
Myha'la Herrold - Harper Stern
Harry Lawtey - Robert Spearing
Miriam Petche - Sweetpea Golightly (III)
Sagar Raddia - Rishi Ramdani (III)
Ken Leung - Eric Tao

Flynn MacDonell
Edo Ferretti
Lee Thomas

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Genre: Drama
