Cloud Atlas Film Quiz

Test your knowledge of this ambitiously sprawling Sci-fi with our Cloud Atlas film quiz!

Cloud Atlas starring Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Sturgess, Hugh Grant, and Ben Wishaw

Welcome to the June Warner Bros Film Club quiz! This month we’re traveling across blending lines of space and time in the ambitiously sprawling Sci-fi epic, Cloud Atlas.  


Following a 500-year narrative arc, Cloud Atlas serves as a warming reminder of the interconnectivity and love which binds humanity as a species to one another, in any variation of landscape, culture or governing body.

Cloud Atlas June Film Club Quiz!


Spoiler Warning!

(The answers can be found at the end of the quiz, but NO CHEATING!) 

Cloud Atlas starring Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Sturgess, Hugh Grant, and Ben Wishaw

1) Who is the main character in the 2144, Neo Seoul story?

A) Timothy Cavendish
B) Sonmi-451
C) Adam Ewing

2) What year did Cloud Atlas release?

A) 2008
B) 2012
C) 2015

3) How many different eras does the story jump between? 

A) 4 - 1894, 1936, 2014, 2144
B) 5 - 1894, 1936, 2014, 2144
C) 6 - 1894, 1936, 1973, 2012, 2144, 2321

Cloud Atlas starring Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Sturgess, Hugh Grant, and Ben Wishaw

4) English composer Robert Frobisher finds work as an amanuensis. What is an amanuensis? 

A)  A film editor back in the 1900s. 
B) A person employed to write or type what another individual dictates or to copy what has been written by another
C) Highly skilled crafter working in the manufacturing industry

5) What birthmark shape do all the protagonists have? 

A) Comet
B) Heart
C) Cloud

Cloud Atlas starring Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Sturgess, Hugh Grant, and Ben Wishaw

6) In the 1894 era, where is the story based?

A) Pitt Island
B) Mangere Island
C) Chatham Islands

7) Timothy signs in to Aurora House thinking it is a hotel.  After entering, what does Timothy discover Aurora House is?

A) A nursing home
B) A private hospital
C) Secret business unit 

Cloud Atlas starring Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Sturgess, Hugh Grant, and Ben Wishaw

8) True or False. Cloud Atlas is based on a novel written by David Mitchell. 

A) True
B) False

9) In the 1894 era, which actor plays the character Adam Ewing? 

A) Jim Sturges
B) Tom Hanks
C) Jim Broadbent

10) In the 2124 era, what is the name of the fast food chain Sonmi-451 and the other fabricants work at?

A) Papa Song
B) Soap Snacks
C) Mom's Touch 

Cloud Atlas starring Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Sturgess, Hugh Grant, and Ben Wishaw



1) Who is the main character in the 2144, Neo Seoul story?

B) Sonmi-451

2) What year did Cloud Atlas release?

A) 2012

3) How many different eras does the story jump between? 

C) 6 - 1894, 1936, 1973, 2012, 2144, 2321

4) English composer Robert Frobisher finds work as an amanuensis. What is an amanuensis? 

B) A person employed to write or type what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another

5) What birthmark shape do all the protagonists have? 

A) Comet

6) In the 1894 era, where is the story based?

C) Chatham Islands

7) Timothy signs in to Aurora House thinking it is a hotel.  After entering, what does Timothy discover Aurora House is?

A) A nursing home

8) True or False. Cloud Atlas is based on a novel written by David Mitchell. 

A) True

9) In the 1894 era, which actor plays the character Adam Ewing? 

A) Jim Sturges

10) In the 2124 era, what is the name of the fast food chain Sonmi-451 and the other fabricants work at?

A) Papa Song

If you enjoyed our Cloud Atlas film quiz, click HERE to see more of our Film Club picks and quizzes!