The Year Without a Santa Claus (1974)

The Year Without a Santa Claus (1974)

Mrs. Santa Claus tells the story of the year that Santa Claus, feeling ill and unwanted, decided to take a holiday. But when the elves show Santa all the toys they are preparing--and the children eagerly awaiting Christmas--Santa dons his red suit and drives his gift-laden sleigh for his annual rounds in this stop-motion animated family special.
When was The Year Without a Santa Claus released?
The film was released on December 10th, 1974.
Is The Year Without a Santa Claus available for streaming?
Yes, buy or rent the movie from one of the above links

Arthur Rankin Jr and Jules Bass.
Shirley Booth as Mrs. Claus
Mickey Rooney as Santa Claus
Dick Shawn as Snow Miser
George S. Irving as Heat Miser
Bradley Bolke as Jangle Bells
Rhoda Mann as Mother Nature
Paul Soles as Iggy Thistlewhite

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Genre: FamilyFantasyKids