THX 1138
Original Theatrical Date: March 5, 1971
Before Star Wars, director George Lucas created this haunting vision ofthe future starring Academy Award winner Robert Duvall.In the 25thcentury, humans exist in a computer-controlled subterranean world whereemotions are outlawed, mind-numbing drugs are mandated and no one has aname, only an alphanumeric designation. But one man, THX 1138 (Duvall),secretly resists his drug regimen and commits the cardinal crime againstthe state--he experiences love.
Robert Duvall - THX
Donald Pleasence - SEN
Maggie McOmie - LUH
Don Pedro Colley - SRT
Ian Wolfe - PTO
Sid Haig - NCH
George Lucas
Robert Duvall - THX
Donald Pleasence - SEN
Maggie McOmie - LUH
Don Pedro Colley - SRT
Ian Wolfe - PTO
Sid Haig - NCH
George Lucas
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Genre: Sci-Fi