Before Sunrise

Rating: 15

Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy star as two young people who meet--and whose lives are forever changed--on a train from Budapest to Paris. They may have only one night, but when soul mates find each other, anything can happen Before Sunrise.

Where was Before Sunrise set?
Film was primarily set in Vienna, Austria
When Before Sunrise released?
The film was released on May 19, 1995.
Is Before Sunrise available for streaming?
Yes, buy or rent the movie from one of the above links

Richard Linklater

Ethan Hawke - Jesse
Julie Delpy - Céline
Andrea Eckert - Wife on train
Hanno Pöschl - Husband on train
Karl Bruckschwaiger - Guy on bridge
Tex Rubinowitz - Guy on bridge
Erni Mangold - Palm reader
Dominik Castell - Street poet
Haymon Maria Buttinger - Bartender
Bilge Jeschim - Belly dancer

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Genre: Romance
