Summer Stock
Judy Garland and Gene Kelly star in a singing, dancing, romantic musical comedy,Summer Stock.
To save Jane Falbury's (Garland) Connecticut farm, Jane's sister, Abigail (Gloria DeHaven), convinces Herb Blake (Phil Silvers), the producer of a new Broadway to rehearse his new show on her farm. Although Abigail is set to star with her current beau, Joe Ross (Gene Kelly), Jane and Joe are instantly attracted to each other. And when the petulant Abigail walks off the stage just before opening, a reluctant Jane steps in to save the show.
To save Jane Falbury's (Garland) Connecticut farm, Jane's sister, Abigail (Gloria DeHaven), convinces Herb Blake (Phil Silvers), the producer of a new Broadway to rehearse his new show on her farm. Although Abigail is set to star with her current beau, Joe Ross (Gene Kelly), Jane and Joe are instantly attracted to each other. And when the petulant Abigail walks off the stage just before opening, a reluctant Jane steps in to save the show.
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Genre: MusicalRomance