Forbidden Planet
In this classic and much-emulated work of science fiction, a rescue mission to a distant planet discovers the two survivors of a space ship that crashed 20 years before on the Forbidden Planet.
One of the stranded humans has deciphered the secrets of the planet's long-extinct inhabitants--and the technology that gave them the power to instantly destroy their civilization. Now, he refuses to share his knowledge ... and one-by-one the rescuers begin to die.
Loosely based on Shakespeare's "The Tempest" and the film that introduced Robbie the Robot.
Walter Pidgeon - Dr. Edward Morbius
Anne Francis - Altaira "Alta" Morbius
Leslie Nielsen - Commander John J. Adams
Warren Stevens - Lt. "Doc" Ostrow
Robby the Robot - Robby The Robot
Fred M. Wilcox
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