David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived

An extraordinary coming-of-age story, this intimate documentary follows David Holmes, a teen gymnast from Essex, England, who is selected to play 11-year-old Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double. Over the next decade, the two form an inextricable bond, but David's world is turned upside down when a tragic on-set accident leaves him paralyzed. As Daniel and his stunt colleagues rally to support David and his family, it is David's resilience that becomes their greatest source of strength and inspiration. Featuring candid personal footage, behind-the scenes material from Holmes' stunt work, scenes of his current life, and intimate interviews with David, Daniel, friends, family, and former crew, David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived reflects on universal themes of growing up, living with adversity, and the bonds that bind us together.

David Holmes - Self 
Daniel Radcliffe - Self 
Tolga Kenan - Self 
Marc Mailley - Self 
Greg Powell - Self 

Dan Hartley 

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Genre: DocumentaryDrama
